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Barbell Standing Calf Raise

The barbell standing calf raise is an exercise that targets the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus. It involves lifting a barbell with your shoulders while standing on a raised platform and performing calf raises to strengthen and tone the lower legs.


barbell equipment

Measured by

    reps, weight


Stand on a raised platform with the balls of your feet on the edge and position a barbell across your shoulders.


  • Raise your heels by extending your ankles as high as possible, then lower them back down to the starting position.
  • Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the movement.


Inhale as you lower your heels and exhale as you raise them up.


  • Focus on using your calf muscles to raise the weight, rather than relying on momentum or other muscles for assistance.
  • Avoid bouncing at the bottom of the movement and maintain control throughout the exercise.
  • Start with a light weight to ensure proper form and gradually increase the resistance as you build strength.

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