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Barbell Suitcase Deadlift

The barbell suitcase deadlift is a variation of the traditional deadlift that targets the core, lower back, and legs. It involves lifting a barbell with one hand while maintaining a stable and upright posture.


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Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on the ground to your side.


  • Bend at the hips and knees to lower yourself down and grasp the barbell with one hand.
  • Engage your core and lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees while keeping your back straight.
  • Lower the barbell back to the ground in a controlled manner and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Exhale as you lift the barbell and inhale as you lower it back down.


  • Maintain a neutral spine and avoid rounding your back during the movement to prevent injury.
  • Keep your core engaged and focus on lifting with your legs and hips rather than your back.
  • Start with a light weight to ensure proper form and gradually increase the resistance as you build strength.

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