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Dumbbell Pull-Over

The dumbbell pull-over is an exercise that targets the back, chest, and triceps. It is performed by lying on a bench with a dumbbell held overhead and lowering it behind the head while keeping the arms straight.


dumbbells equipment

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and a dumbbell held with both hands directly above your chest.


  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head while keeping your arms straight and your core engaged.
  • Raise the dumbbell back to the starting position by contracting your back and chest muscles.


Exhale as you raise the dumbbell and inhale as you lower it back down.


  • Keep your arms straight and avoid bending your elbows during the movement.
  • Focus on engaging your back and chest muscles to lift the weight rather than using momentum.
  • Use a controlled motion and avoid swinging the weight to prevent injury.

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