Workout Tracker

The legs are a group of muscles that extend from the hip to the ankle. They are responsible for extending the hip, flexing the knee, and supporting the body during walking and running.

  1. Barbell Jefferson Split Squat exercise

    Barbell Jefferson Split Squat

    The barbell Jefferson split squat is a unilateral lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. By performing the exercise with a barbell, you can increase the resistance and challenge your lower body strength and stability.

  2. Barbell Standing Calf Raise exercise

    Barbell Standing Calf Raise

    The barbell standing calf raise is an exercise that targets the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus. It involves lifting a barbell with your shoulders while standing on a raised platform and performing calf raises to strengthen and tone the lower legs.

  3. Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift exercise

    Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift

    The dumbbell stiff leg deadlift is a lower body exercise that targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It is performed by holding a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs and hinging at the hips to lower the weights towards the floor, keeping your legs straight and back flat throughout the movement.

  4. Machine Hack Squat exercise

    Machine Hack Squat

    The machine hack squat is a lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It is performed on a hack squat machine, which allows you to perform the movement with added resistance to build strength and muscle mass in the legs

  5. Machine Hip Adduction exercise

    Machine Hip Adduction

    The machine hip adduction exercise targets the adductor muscles of the inner thighs. It involves moving the legs inward against resistance to strengthen and tone the inner thigh muscles.

  6. Machine Leg Press exercise

    Machine Leg Press

    The machine leg press is a compound exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It is performed on a leg press machine, where you push a weighted platform away from your body using your legs.

  7. Machine Lying Leg Curl exercise

    Machine Lying Leg Curl

    The machine lying leg curl is an isolation exercise that targets the hamstrings, which are the muscles on the back of the thigh. It involves flexing the knees to curl the legs up towards the glutes while lying on a machine with a pad positioned just above the ankles.

  8. Machine Seated Calf Raise exercise

    Machine Seated Calf Raise

    The machine seated calf raise is an isolation exercise that targets the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus. It involves flexing the ankle joint to raise the weight with the balls of the feet, then lowering it back down to the starting position.

  9. Machine Seated Leg Curl exercise

    Machine Seated Leg Curl

    The machine seated leg curl is an isolation exercise that targets the hamstrings, which are the muscles on the back of the thigh. It involves flexing the knees to curl the weight towards the glutes, working the hamstrings through a full range of motion.

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